chūn wēn
意思解释:(Spring lukewarm)伏气温病的一种。指冬受寒邪,伏而至春季所发的急性热病(《温热经纬·叶香岩三时伏气外感篇》) 新感温病的一种。指春季感受风热而发的急性热病。《增补评注温病条辨》卷一:“冬春感风热之邪而病者,…病于春者,亦曰春温。”曾经秋肃临天下,敢遣春温上笔端。——鲁迅《亥年残秋偶作》 中医病名。伏气温病的一种。指冬受寒邪,伏而至春季所发的急性热病。
The winter hurts Yu Han, spring surely disease is lukewarm. (· of the Warring States element of the classics inside Huang Di asks · life to exceeding lofty or great is talked ) husband typhoid fever 2 words, build the severe cold when the winter and enrage into what kill severe, touch risk and instant disease person, it is a typhoid fever, the person that do not send namely, cold...
春组词、温组词、 箕颍、竣事、阴空、渠辈、邪学、调察、彼己、津帖、盈泛、雅练、稍麦、翘曲、九貉、诱敌、玉树、九陵、静艳、礼义、勺口、春温、