wén wēng
意思解释:(Wen Weng)汉庐江舒人。景帝末,为蜀郡守,“仁爱好教化”,在成都市中起学官,入学者免除徭役,成绩优者为郡县吏,每出巡视,“益从学官诸生明经饬行者与俱,使传教令”。蜀郡自是文风大振,教化大兴。见《汉书·文翁传》。后世用为称颂循吏的典故。
The source sees Wen Weng turns convention . So as to says the United States takes the magistrate of culture and education seriously. Does Song Fanzhong wide mix and does city Zheng Xuan Hui see send : Postscript Ge Song is written why otter of Nai of Lan Tao of colourful of detain of bed of of Gan Fan Zheng! of aspic of of of those the Kingdom of Wei writes of cut down of Ge せ analyse to disrelish of Ren of Huang of of be ignorant of rare turn over amorous and viceregal, 3000 bead walk on, bell of 2 four song. Return day namely yellow bully, hainan is long think Wen Weng...
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