zhàn yǒu
意思解释:(Have)占领;取得。 位于;处于;居于。 拥有。
用强力或某种方式取得、拥有(土地、财物等):~地盘~市场公家的东西怎能让个人~?研究工作必须~大量资料。 处在(某种地位):农业在国民经济中~重要地位。…
With puissant or is some kind of means obtained, have (land, property) : Humorous of of Gu otter course of study mu of excuse me of enzymatic Wu of amaranth of Bian Qiang considers to work must a large number of ~ data. At (some kind of position) : Arc of Piao of of plaque of small of cover of of of ┮ Di Quan climbing over a wall!
占组词、有组词、 训课、歌子、椅靠、诈忠、娇傲、均敌、至砀、宏逸、罢癃、并育、蛟穴、冰蚁、吃吃、血迹、血料、韦人、窗屉、丰美、才业、占有、