cān xiá
意思解释:(Eat glow)餐食日霞。指修仙学道。语出《汉书·司马相如传下》:“呼吸沆瀣兮餐朝霞。”颜师古注引应劭曰:“《列仙传》陵阳子言春﹝食﹞朝霞,朝霞者,日始欲出赤黄气也。夏食沆瀣,沆瀣,北方夜半气也。并天地玄黄之气为六气。”
A kind of art repairing refine of Taoist school. Sima Xiangru is adult endowed with : Hold flesh of of all of Liao of of cake crime high! How does of the Song Dynasty of fan of Lang Jun ⑾ pull money Hui frequency already excuse me is installed to pull armour to imprint by Jie thin! Paragraph difficult ぱ clear of be good at idle of of second extensive region in medicinal powder not occasionally world, this from eat glow person. does Li Shan note: How to pull slash relatively the tip is ill! Does fertile save those to suckle fat of vasting Lang Jun of scald ㄋ leek
餐组词、霞组词、 韩诗、贱位、罔辟、三族、沛发、御手、归款、雪髓、过称、苦淡、身名、扮妆、身材、军吏、王圻、六茎、恚忌、寒粟、长牌、餐霞、