sī gāo
意思解释:(This tall)秦代大臣李斯与赵高的并称。
Word of pronoun, conjunction, auxiliary word, mood. Pronoun indicates pronoun. The watch points to nearly, the person that much above paragraphs pointing to era already had appeared, thing, content, location, time, condition. In sentence in can make subject, object, attribute. Be in according to it sentence in place acting object, but agile interpret is this () , these , such , here , now...
斯组词、高组词、 团粉、嚣凌、讪怒、大羹、遗想、彤车、高聪、石层、贉池、获知、癣驳、宝应、茭牧、害愁、环尹、玉雪、岁酒、或恐、豪宕、斯高、