
péi bǔ

意思解释:(Compensate fills)赔偿补足(所缺的数)




Complemental and defective money: Xiang Cheng  of Guo of Tao of lax crucian carp bows with hands clasped to coffin to knock at  of Shan of teach of eyebrow of  of approach of ∈ of  of Qiong of  of  of ヒ of Si of Pai of  of Qiong of  of  of Song of Qi of salary of alarm of technetium  of Tan Ke of Tang of broadleaf plant  to prick(of coil up of H of Li   who knows 73 · 1786) rain, said a way, he defaulted bluff the official is silver-colored, take him to go in goverment office in feudal China, say what to owe government-owned silver, sell off family property ~ . ...

