
jiǎn gù

意思解释:(Frugal originallies)俭约固持。


孙: 同“逊”,谦逊。奢侈的人不会谦逊,俭朴的人固守本分。指奢或俭直接影响人的品德。语出《论语·述而》:“子曰:‘奢则不孙,俭则固。与其不孙也,宁固。’”[例] 孔子早就告诉我们,做任何事都要注意到“节制原则”。《述…


Grandson: Does ⊥  protect two does graceful twinkling of Bi of Fu of I of   two change Kong  to punish  earnest to embrace graceful this drip does melt of postscript of bless of benzene of food container of Gong of Gan Chun of V of Tuo Jing frame say sodium returns an ancient wine vessel made of horn of grand S milometer to block of  of Tiao of な of private school Sha up child say Otter of  of  of Bo of Mo of feng4huang2 of Ru of gizzard of S of otter of Xian of Tiao of  of Zheng of feng4huang2 of ancient name for a kind of scorpion of  wild rice!  Bao exemple] Confucius is early tell us, narrate...

