luán pō
意思解释:(Slope of a small tinkling bell)唐德宗时,尝移学士院于金銮殿旁的金銮坡上,后遂以銮坡为翰林院的别称。
Is dream of leaf of the Song Dynasty gotten language of stone forest swallow roll 5 carry: Banter of frequency human relations protects river of throat of of ⒁ cattail to censure law of look of Yu of admire of predestined relationship of Yu chasm gadolinium is rare: My of grand of look of mussel of bath of Kuo of large bamboo hat brushs heart drought to seek ā of Yin of Ba of partridge Pi C to carry Chinese torreya just ね ⒍ makes an appointment with dark Song duty Ju Ao is banned, the name weighs slope of a small tinkling bell.
銮组词、坡组词、 关扃、景慕、巡岳、王子、裕陵、一哄、地数、发策、失统、挑力、绮组、甸徒、趣使、木稼、春燕、雕觞、高比、大晒、銮坡、三折、