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意思解释:(Collect case)亦作“募征格”。 募人从军、杀敌的赏格。
The size of a reward of recruit talent. does the Kingdom of Wei of boreal history · respect Zong Ji : of a few scar occupies dam duty A grand! Money Mi a huge legendary turtle bay buccal Gou Chi is thin! だ of the Ci that block Ti up just ご Po multiplies grand the imperial court sets collect to impose standard Yu Tangzhi north, general of assist of Bai Kuang of the person that join the army, slant general, secondary general. ...
募组词、格组词、 蝉蜍、食工、实况、革造、大当、昌运、丰狱、八王、栖泊、白丁、扫疥、寝停、新元、旷野、慅婴、六翮、郁起、炕琴、节召、募格、