
wò zhé

意思解释:(Lie rhyme)东汉侯霸为淮阳太守,征入都,百姓号哭遮使车,卧于辙中,乞留霸一年。见《后汉书·侯霸传》。后常用为挽留去职官吏的典故。




Hou of · of book of the later Han dynasty bully pass carry, hou bully is this world of the Huaihe River viceregal, have study performance. Ask for after, common people block makes car, lie in Yu Zhe, beg stays bully one year. Hind constant with lie rhyme the allusion that persuades official of no longer hold the post to stay for common people. Du Fu does north of of city of Wang Xin giving free return poetic: Ao holds sb in respectful awe dimming crusty pancake Juan of Xu  money companions scull mansion! Thin

