
hé shàn

意思解释:(Fan of carry on one's shoulder)荷叶。荷叶形似扇,故称。




(1) bear, carry, carry. row child · Shang Wen : 8 Shi head make a present of of be surprised of  of stool of  of Ying of  of sip of U of uranous Sha  ! husband: Is provide for Mao fierce imprint Tao Qian put in vegetable garden 's charge to reside thirdly: I gnaw Luo of  of  of grand of  of  of Bo of dead Dun act! 2) is assumed, load. Zhang Heng is Tokyo endowed with : Ah  illuminate annulus  laying lofty! Spurt cough make a present of amuses of a huge legendary turtle of friendly Li cut down small official of low of you flatter me, but fear n/HONNing be unworthy of the honor...

