wú xìng
没有性生活的人。[例]面临着随时可能爆发的裁员风险,都市人的工作压力变得越来越大,心情更加焦虑和紧张,无性族的队伍也趁机壮大起来。(《国际先驱导报》2009年3月12日) 在经济危机背景下,新增的“无性族”则多为因工作压力…
Without the person of sexual life. [Exemple] face a risk cutting down the member of persons employed that erupts possibly at any time, the actuating pressure of urbanite becomes bigger and bigger, the mood more angst and insecurity, the team of asexuality a group of things with common features also takes the chance to expand rise. (international pioneer gazette on March 12, 2009) fall in economic crisis setting, add newly asexuality a group of things with common features because of,be more actuating pressure...
无组词、性组词、 清核、喜游、猴头、墨晶、繁琐、呼嵩、行持、鼻疔、无忓、清疏、身态、隐沦、试胄、搭面、宝钿、牲号、庶姑、口体、松厚、无性、