
wò huàn

意思解释:(Wet melt)谓厚恩。




(1) bedew, touch embellish. is · of The Book of Songs small the hill austral elegant · letter : The  that make Ma smooth with a rake builds @ Zuo , actor or actress already already ~ . (: of ù of Im of à of Zuo Zuo M Water of of ∮ cease S is enough. ) (2) moist, smooth. Ceng Gong on August 29 nip : Cling to  of ox of carbohydrate of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct that search  dare amuse  of the Jin that stew! 3) is thick, favourable. theory judge · Qi Shi : Cling to what yellow of blown away by wind of astounded of  of  of leech Liu  enrages is thin...

