
yàn hàn

意思解释:(Yan Han)参见:燕颔,鷰颔。 东汉 名将 班超 自幼即有立功异域之志。相士说他“燕頷虎颈”,有封“万里侯”之相。后奉命出使 西域 三十一年,陆续平定各地贵族的变乱,官至 西域 都护,封 定远侯。见《后汉书·班超传》。后以“燕頷”为封侯之相。 指武将;勇士。




The source sees seal Houmoli . Point to Feng Hou's photograph. Is Tang Cen joined send piece of Dou Weidong to return poetic: Σ of amine Piao Ban brightness bite arc of dumpling of Lian of  Ling テ ! ⒂ of  of wash of money Di liver leads conclude of  of cochlea of hole of flesh of handsome C burnt having enough already ┚ blocks Yan of  forge palpitate up to overspread rare of  of alarm of  of cover thing full front of a Chinese gown Yan Han does not wake account of decadent bright and beautiful, moth eyebrow invites the drunk that fold gold.

