yàn diàn
意思解释:(Wild goose establish)指聘仪。古代定婚、亲迎时,男子须向女家献雁为礼。其所以用雁者,汉班固《白虎通·嫁娶》谓:“取其随时而南北,不失其节,明不夺女子之时也;又是随阳之鸟,妻从夫之义也;又取飞成行,止成列也。明嫁娶之礼,长幼有序,不相逾越也。又昏礼贽不用死雉,故用雁也。”
Archaic wedding, bridegroom is greeted to the bride's side close, make with wild goose gift presented to a senior at one's first visit as a mark of esteem (meeting gift) , cry Dian Yan . does · of The Book of Rites faint justice : of octogenarian of Hong of chimney of target crucian carp saves forge of You of Mou of of unconscious boundless and indistinct scrupulously and respectfully! ...
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