
chà diǎn

意思解释:(Within an inch of)表示某种事情接近实现或勉强实现。 质量稍差。


 (质量等)稍次:这种酒比那种酒~儿人品不错,就是外表~。 副词,表示某种事情接近实现或勉强实现。如果是说话的人不希望实现的事情,说“差点”或“差点没”都是指事情接近实现而没有实现。如“差点闹笑话”…


(Quality) a bit second: Forgive of hut sign ticket invades  of annals Pi  to be like rancorring  of Jue of high and steep of fade of  of Fan Huai Hui! does moxibustion of Xing of shellfish remnant  hold qualitative Lv couch to chant  enlighten thirsty of Li a side gate of an imperial palace enlighten is pray of prize of  of frame H Quan dark  of M of graceful twinkling Huang enlighten is An Wanke of idle of  of Liang of the Lv that be worth neon n/HONNed be unworthy of the honor by Jie Anwan does times border invade arc pleasant

