lǎn jiǎn
意思解释:(Pull decrease)歉收。
< is moved > lean. Ancient dialect. Is Song Chen built send student Gui Fuqiu to because the province fastens course of study,try poetic: Arc of lie of foot of straight Я of of of bay bully Tong! Fraud slaughters person of the Huaihe River says year old of be hungry jump over a person to be vomit crow with the baby for age ~ ; . ...
揽组词、减组词、 稿草、回笼、中非、洄波、除服、无烟、竹络、室中、凡桐、紫霄、裁编、好孬、杯斝、谲怪、兴情、侨寄、驱迈、爪觜、揽减、慢件、