chì jìn
意思解释:(Bare Dai )五行家谓赤色妖气。语出《左传·昭公十五年》:“吾见赤黑之祲,非祭祥也,丧氛也。”杜预注:“祲,妖氛也。”
(The thin other 1) day. The ancients feels can adumbrative good or ill luck. a surname child is · king made : of flesh of of Deng of postscript Qi Xian lives! The Suan that shut lotus root shakes of └ field Feng Xiangguan ~ , pray strips calamity averting by prayers. (2) bewitching is angry, bodeful gas. the Tang Dynasty Ju not disgrace mission : Full maintains to beat shank of straightforward advice of cleanse of of ⅲ Qian! Does rest: Violet toad of Lv angry! Target You keeps surplus dark thin(3) is royal...
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