
jiǎng shù

意思解释:(Tell a tree)三国魏嵇康常锻于大柳树下,与亲旧吕安、向秀等人清谈。见《晋书·嵇康传》。后用为思念亲旧的典故。




The source sees Ji Kang forge . Call think close keep old friendships in mind. Letter of the Northern Zhou Dynasty aning enclosure for storing grain is sad Changjiang Delta endowed with : Make a shop smooth with a rake to add Qu of Yi of the larva of a tapeworm or the cercaria of a schistosome of graph of colour sole  ! Skip stab [note: Pen of  of Ao colour sole and  Ling thirsty grand! of Fen of Luo of  of superintend and director ' Home Ji Kang has Cheng Liushu, constant resides his to fall, close old go to with gallinaceous wine with eat, idle talk just. Two of  of  of Ang bite broadleaf plant

