
fú shì

意思解释:(Wipe off)掸去或擦去尘土。 吹拂;掠过。 修饰。 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·惑溺》:“韩寿 美姿容, 贾充 辟以为掾。




(1) < move > whisk goes dirt. Don Dufu does play fall on his back for Wei Shuang Songtu song : Unplug favour yellow ズ  of Piao of  farsighted  suffers from Xue to barefooted impaludism of  of wooden tablets or slips for writing of  of Yao of the tip of a twig of  of Sui of aphid of excusing school  putting in order acts the role of  equipment umbrella! Does do: continuously (2) of a huge legendary turtle of moisture in the soil < move > regard highly. The Tang Dynasty · Han Yu is Mao Ying passed : Thin

