wén jīng
意思解释:(Wen Jing)有文彩的旌旗。古时贵官出行时前导的仪仗,后用为称人行旅的敬辞。
Have the banners and flags of literary grace, the expensive person that show gives old times the flags of the bellwether when travel. Use as after say the person goes the Jing Ci of travel, see more at epistolary. Dong Hanshu of · of a model of epistolary art of Tibet of home of colour family name : Thin
文组词、旌组词、 龛灯、拜罢、投诉、狗市、露居、比量、侔状、宝性、卫摄、悲欢、泝述、蹿劲、灵期、孟母、火棘、匡君、扶寸、清净、文旌、戮罪、