bèi lùn
Absurd, self-contradictory conversation, judgment. social science battlefront 1978 the 3rd period: Bully a surname sticks Nai of of belch of charm of ┳ of Jie Huang of Bao of Sheng of of of high and steep of cheek of of school of of Tuan of Щ of cattail of oxime of I Ban Jia of solemn Po small box is rich Po of ┞ of dust Wu is disrelished carbylamine is rich cling to of Song of locust of murder of Yang of of cherry of Mou of of Song of locust! Thin
悖组词、论组词、 驭文、打稽、百兽、驳火、斩衰、眼藏、霜草、肇端、赡足、吧喳、亿丈、方祇、孔燕、乞丐、保师、众父、珍赆、昏朦、赐舍、悖论、