zhòng fù
意思解释:(Numerous father)百姓之长。指国君。
Night of jade soul a thousand years, bei wind removes poplar. Black sells dirt lens quality, pink falls reason garment is sweet. A twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument of musical instrument of chilly of account of a species of orchid, phoenix of golden hairpin fall. Fetch should be followed on Fu, the man in expensive prep before. The dream breaks Gao Tang Er , gorge of simian caw Hunan is long. as if...
众组词、父组词、 委佩、朽谢、白过、走史、驭文、打稽、百兽、驳火、斩衰、眼藏、霜草、肇端、赡足、吧喳、亿丈、方祇、孔燕、乞丐、保师、众父、