mǔ jī
意思解释:(Mu indigestion)每一亩田的面积。 特指我国殷周时代井田制一个田的面积。
The area of each mus of cropland. Guo Mei if slavery times : Pa Jiao and ノ of post Bao of of engrave breaking anxiety suffers from attack file of Huan Liu of Tao of っ of calamity of tip of astounded model subtles Xing Huan ǖ which blain ! Thin
亩组词、积组词、 炮格、遣发、豆笾、蔼蔼、阵脚、收讫、报命、隐见、六服、会酒、取凉、明雅、田七、齐整、报虞、孔鼎、亥时、进驱、亩积、阴鬼、