
kuà xià

意思解释:(Below hip)指汉·韩信受辱胯下之事。 比喻人未显达前,受人鄙视、嘲弄。参见「胯下之辱」条。




[Provenance] history biographies of Hou of shade of the Huaihe River that write down · . [Paraphrase] when Han Xin is junior, does one teenager insult him to say: Bay astounded is able to bear or endure Kang of quiet of  of  of # of superintend and director of  of delay of door of port of  of Xi of post Ji of Jue Mang Cong guides ㄇ of bite shrimp Nai imprints!  of  of Pa of sip of generation ⒌ our attentively carries confused filter of Cui of  of  Quan to break through  Tuo intermediary 4 billows if is afraid of death, with respect to the hip run the drilling tool into the well from me in the past.

