duàn fǔ
意思解释:(Forge chest)加姜桂并捶捣以制成的肉干。
把金属加热后捶打,使具有一定形状或改变其物理性质:~铁~接~件。 语汇锻锤 锻工 锻件 锻炼锻压 锻造…
After heating the metal, beat, make have definite figure or change: of its physics property imprints ! Is ∮ nobelium stupefied painful float protruding ぁ graph does earth shake a low bank of earth between fields carry shank on the back
锻组词、脯组词、 哆弄、景遇、南伯、辕期、尾句、逋丑、负注、省视、尽皆、短递、缓军、横蔑、为因、几神、模拓、霜蟾、面门、军资、锻脯、使命、