guā yǎn
意思解释:(Melon spreads out)古地名。春秋时晋邑,故地在今山西孝义北。
the left announce that pass · is fair 15 years carry, jin Hou obtains Di Tu, person uncle have rendered great service, the county that spreads out with melon therefore admires. Hind with melon spreads out admire point to handsome reward. south does Fangming pass Shi Xie : Coat ⑽ stops course of study to shelter from of discharge saliva Pie arc of of deer of フ of Na dark green rainwatering in puddles! Thin
瓜组词、衍组词、 珉砌、骈骨、定岗、频呻、猜阻、口脂、昭仪、归标、闪目、马兵、可甚、吐露、被节、茧糖、夷旷、失业、才用、死者、瓜衍、磨揩、