gān shǔ
意思解释:(Sweet potato)一种热带藤本植物,牵牛属,地下块茎肥厚,含丰富淀粉,叶各种形状,花淡紫色,原产热带美洲,现各地有栽培。 这种植物的块根——俗称“番薯”、“地瓜”、“红薯”、“白薯”
Annual or perennial is rampant and herbaceous. 1890 Japan annals roll 9: Si of of rate looks for crisp stand erect ⑶ of two of of rare ⑥ of of 7 handsome ⒑ is phlogistic imprint ⒏ is comfortable rancor! Is hail Su hut planted926 of of last of the eye that join mace year Ding Fubao food new a book on Chinese medicine : of the 6th chapter
甘组词、薯组词、 练文、驰情、落斧、抟换、三已、充益、红莲、苛碎、篇技、青岩、奚落、左凑、黏沫、宣父、沦藴、考异、五章、妙喜、甘薯、海外、