jīng yàn
意思解释:(Experience)从多次实践中得到的知识或技能。 人亲身经历。 感性经验。哲学上指人们在同客观事物直接接触的过程中通过感觉器官获得的关于客观事物的现象和外部联系的认识。辩证唯物主义认为,经验是在社会实践中产生的,是客观事物在人们头脑中的反映,是认识的开端。但经验有待于深化,有待上升到理论。在日常生活中,亦指对感性经验所进行的概括总结,或指直接接触客观事物的过程。
Look on business, it seems that experience not under the technology, the person that has experience even's young than rational talking person is more successful. 〔 Gu Xila 〕 Yalishiduode metaphysical acquire from inside the disaster of others sagacious, this kind of person has good fortune really. He Lasi of 〕 of 〔 ancient Rome admonition if if the chaos like bronco runs quickly,experience holds the post of his if really...
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