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意思解释:(A kind of bag he)《史记·匈奴列传》:“单于遗汉书曰:‘天所立匈奴大单于敬问皇帝无恙……故使郎中系雩浅奉书请,献橐他一匹,骑马二匹。’”
The bag that both ends opens. is the Zhongshan wolf in the fable-a person who repays good with evil passed : Zhang of of Liang of suitable Bei border shakes look of path of moisture in the soil of forge of cook over a slow fire washs with watercolors Huan of Man of small " Shen! in order to sell cupreous iron.
橐组词、他组词、 豫政、画绘、倒风、生辉、微风、邨社、曙鼓、秋祫、墨痴、慨发、刺候、静室、老春、上策、污种、且然、凭隆、宝冕、橐他、青氐、