wū zhǒng
意思解释:(Corrupt kind)《史记·田敬仲完世家》:“女不取媒因自嫁,非吾种也,污吾世。”后因谓子孙玷污家世名声者为“污种”。
history is the Tian Jingzhong that write down · over old and well-known family : of broadleaf plant of ∶ of Ba locust makes an appointment with Xu spruce a screen-like mountain peak make a present of of Yao of scoop up with a dust pan of faithful Bo ! have corrupt planted regret. ...
污组词、种组词、 顾避、长别、劳疲、廉忠、豫政、画绘、倒风、生辉、微风、邨社、曙鼓、秋祫、墨痴、慨发、刺候、静室、老春、上策、污种、且然、