tǔ máo
意思解释:(Earthy wool)本指土地上生长的五谷、桑麻、菜蔬等植物,后亦泛指土产。语出《左传·昭公七年》:“天子经略,诸侯正封,古之制也。封略之内,何非君土?食土之毛,谁非君臣?”杜预注:“毛,草也。”
The vegetables of hemp of food crops mulberry that grows on land. is the left clear that pass · fair 7 years : Basketry punish forest of of Qiang of of is Ma Rong of · of book of the later Han dynasty passed : Ling of of eight Xie hold up bets of fine haze Jin already Qiao is thin thin! Thin
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