dǎ hùn
意思解释:(Buffoonery)开玩笑,逗趣。 戏曲演出时,演员(多指丑角)即兴说笑逗乐。
With interesting add to the fun of humorous sign happen by chance. does · of Wang Zhi square notes on poets and poetry make a poem be like poetic dram set to music : anxious still ' the no less than that make a poetry makes poetic dram set to music, first when decorate, at last needs buffoonery, just be to come on the stage. ' is official of actor of distant history · passed : Press Wu grand of Υ of lacquer of bad antrum bumping into emperor!
打组词、诨组词、 香蹬、荣阀、滩哥、淫放、亶翔、鹤板、枕流、还嘴、修敕、本主、思议、寺署、泄劲、厌应、祝嘏、灾晦、避李、封姨、打诨、应急、