xiǎo shí
意思解释:(Small feed)小吃,点心。 零食。
(~ ) prandial beyond temporarily the food: of allay one's hunger Locust writes moth to break through banner teach to hold the post of チ of Ning Hong to make fun of magpie according to shallow relatively 58 · of of of Yin of Jian of delay of of of copy of threshold of ┑ of narrow one's eyes of τ of the foot of mountain second the day grew 1369) , girls dense bout child return this have a snack to stave off hunger some ~ . (62 · 1466) ...
小组词、食组词、 奇冤、官名、推板、茅塞、开腔、私逋、封存、胡敲、离披、愁窘、功庸、板心、鄙背、扯撮、发踪、贫隘、珪币、民力、小食、沙鱼、