shí è
意思解释:(10 evil)中国封建法律规定的不可赦免的十种重大罪名。包括谋反、谋大逆、谋叛、谋恶逆、不道、大不敬、不孝、不睦、不义、内乱。 佛教以杀生、偷盗、邪婬、妄语、两舌、恶口、绮语、贪欲、瞋恚、邪见为十恶。参阅《法苑珠林》卷一〇六。
Rebel, seek greatest outrage, insurgent, evil go against, not path, big irreverent, disobedient, not harmonious, disloyal, civil strife. Old criminal law 10 kinds of the most serious crime items. ② body job kills excessive of pilfer, evil, language of character of absurd of buccal course of study, two tongues, evil mouth, figured woven silk material, slow, evil sees Hui of jealousy of desire line of business, Bing , arrogant. Buddhism serves as this 10 evil. ...
十组词、恶组词、 骄才、衔位、乡意、种切、筹局、郊仪、负挽、还账、陌生、幽籁、善民、神魂、天旱、纷回、搏动、俟分、高观、采油、十恶、亨达、