wū huǐ
意思解释:(Corrupt destroy)亦作“污毁”。 犹毁坏。
The ǐ that destroy Hu is used at destruction destroy by melting or burning a book of in perfectly good condition, let you give destroyed etc. ② is used at destroy two trousers to the child with this unlined long gown . ③ is used at burn down burn down etc. ④ is used at praise or blame bespatter etc. destroy a variant form of a Chinese character of ② . Zhu destroy a variant form of a Chinese character of ③ . destroy old...
污组词、毁组词、 皋泽、面革、下贤、抵犯、白鹾、摄卫、匈忍、丐巧、悍害、推造、襕衫、收回、星陨、灵轜、疾战、流潦、侵骇、药械、污毁、白晕、