
yé hǔ

意思解释:(Unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease is made)亦作“邪轷”。亦作“邪謣”。 劳动时众人一齐用力所发出的呼声。即号子声。一人领呼称为号头,众人应和称为打号。


象声词。劳动时众人一齐用力所发出的呼声。 《淮南子·道应训》: “今夫举大木者, 前呼邪许, 后亦应之, 此举重劝力之歌也。” 龚自珍《己亥杂诗·五月十二日抵淮浦作》: “我亦曾糜太仓粟, 夜闻邪许泪滂沱。”…


Onomatopoeia word. The cry that the everybody when labor gives out forcibly simultaneously. south the Huaihe River child does · should example : ∏ of  of Lu of chrysanthemum of an ancient wind instrument of Qiu of Ao Qiong Yin holds  of sell target Hui high  of  of chirp χ of large bamboo hat < department Jiu lays be proud χ  Ping is ill! Thin ㄗ Huan small cup of  of  of rate of Wei of の of  of Chinese ピ mail is only female   of of swollen a huge legendary turtle I also millet of Ceng Meitai storehouse, ...

