
yù yǔ

意思解释:(Jail Yu)指狱中犯人。




(1) defends drive. Zhao Ce of · of plan of the Warring States 3 : Surname of  of mulberry of Huan of ancient name for a kind of scorpion of high mountain a treadle-operated tilt hammer for hulling rice breaks record play  of  of anxiety of Wei ancient name for a kind of scorpion sweets wine to fold of  of  of Chu of admire anxious  ! 2) imprisonment. is the left announce that pass · fair 4 years : Ah our  of  of stern of Zi of    ! 3) bagnio. does autumn · expostulate with issue Yan Zichun one : Boil a surname abduct of      ! Raise equestrian person. theory...

