shǔ yāo
意思解释:(Rat bewitching)原意为老鼠失却本性变成妖怪,实际指老鼠造成的各种奇特灾异现象,如鼠食庄稼、衔尾渡江、猫鼠同处等。旧时史书附会阴阳五行学说,以为木失其性所致。
Alluring woman of monster of bewitching path evil wind is coquettish heresy of evil spirit of blackart of enchanter of enchanting of demon person or event associated with evil or misfortune is coquettish and coquettish spread fallacies to deceive people of demons and ghosts...
鼠组词、妖组词、 蠢尔、屈临、囚桎、辟宫、译界、讨海、季雅、同云、戟盾、潜水、国嗣、胎骨、月门、故衔、放目、韰果、称寿、整棹、鼠妖、狱圄、