
fù yù

意思解释:(Rich more)富足而有余裕。


愈: 越。悭吝(qiānlìn): 吝啬。指越是富有的人越吝啬。〔例〕中国有句话: ~。要富国多拿点钱出来,它不肯,技术转让更不愿意。(邓小平《增进中印友谊,加强南南合作》)也作〔越有的人越抠门儿〕。抠门: 吝啬。〔例〕你还是…


More: N): of ì of Nl of ā ofqi of チ of ≡ be good at c Ridge of V of × Xiao copy wrings copy of Xiao of agitate of graceful cough of apology brandish instrument! Fear  holds ~ of   of of Xi of discharge  core. Want rich nation to take bit of money more, it does not agree, the technology is made over do not be willing more. (Deng Xiaoping promotional in Yin Youyi, strengthen south south collaboration ) also make 〔 jump over some people to jump over stingy 〕 . : of door of dig or dig out with a finger or sth pointed × Xiao copy! Reason of Qian of fear  line just

