
nì kuì

意思解释:(Be addicted to baskets for holding earth)指范雎受辱事。语出《史记·范雎蔡泽列传》:“魏齐大怒,使舍人笞击雎,折胁折齿。雎详死,即卷以篑,置厕中。宾客饮者醉,更溺雎,故僇辱以惩后,令无妄言者。”




history biographies of Cai Ze of the Fan Sui that write down · : Unplug  of  of grand Wu Ji black of Zhun of shuttle rising abruptly. Ci of ⊙ of n of Qian of 〕 of  Ben plan breaks through  honest a flat stone on iron rammer with ropes attached at the sides  of ostrich of Zhui of small 1 of bend so as to breakstubborn of appearance of lustre scar  well a kind of jade of Hui   . Disgrace of  Sheng J with punish hind, the person that make do not have absurd character. hind with be addicted to baskets for holding earth the allusion that is person person be insulted.

