
jiè bì

意思解释:(Scabies wall)谓壁上所题书画如疥瘢,令人厌恶。语出唐段成式《酉阳杂俎·语资》:“大历末,禅师玄览住荆州陟屺寺,道高有风韵,人不可得而亲,张璪尝画古松于斋壁,符载赞之,卫象诗之,亦一时三絶。览悉加垩焉。人问其故,曰:'无事疥吾壁也。'”宋陈造《次韵苏监仓》:“逢人争食有处有,疥壁留诗无处无。”亦以自谦诗画粗劣。




Show besmear is written and blemish wall. Duan Cheng type language of · of You Yang miscellaneous an ancient sacrificial utensil endowment : Thunder of  of π of  of  of  of the  that press exhaust [angry B of  of  of  of approach of ㄋ of V flourishing Piao often draws ancient Song Yuzhai wall, of Fu Zaizan, of Wei Xiangshi, also temporarily 3 absolutely; sees all add chalk Yan. The person asks his friend, say: Show off of Ba of Bu of land of  big and thick is ill!  carries summary shank hole on the back to lie fine is occupied whiz frame meet the person contends for banquet to have place have, scabies...

