tǐ zī
意思解释:(Body endowment)天性;禀赋。
Endowment Z ī is used at asset capital collect money etc. ② is used at aid financially endowment enemy etc. ③ is used at but endowment draw lessons from as a way of is referenced etc. ④ is used at aptitude gift etc. ⑤ is used at qualifications and record of service qualification seniority and prestige etc. ⑥ surname. Zuo endowment the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character. Zuo endowment a variant form of a Chinese character. [...
体组词、资组词、 魔魇、搬庄、虾蕈、佛汗、留芳、卧镇、郢曲、国危、六骥、棉袄、寒流、脱屣、揭厉、拟踪、行窃、责要、抄送、角声、奸暴、体资、