tài jiǎ
意思解释:(Too armour)星名。即太乙。唐王勃《益州夫子庙碑》:“华盖西临,藏五云于太甲。”唐杜甫《大历三年春将适江陵漂泊》诗:“五云高太甲,六月旷抟扶。”仇兆鳌注引严羽《沧浪诗话》:“太甲,即太乙。甲乙相近而误用也。”一说,“华盖在旁六星曰六甲,分阴阳而配节候。太甲,恐是六甲一星之名。”见宋王应麟《困学纪闻·评诗》。 书经篇名。分上、中、下三篇。
Emperor Is hope since ancient times swim much, south may not from mountain stream A. Long Hu conceals golden vessel anger really, phoenix from feed Mt Jade standing grain. Banner of easy of rosy clouds setting sun, noisy admire of west wind of fine jade tree as jade-like stone. South Yi Yin Legeng mu day, want to answer high mountain of Gao Yinbi Cuo. ...
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