
jī shì

意思解释:(Engine power)局势;形势。


善于用兵作战的人,造成的态势像拉弓一样险峻,进攻的节奏像发射一样短促。指打仗要善于造成气势。语出《孙子·势》:“善战者,其势险,其节短。势如弓弩,节如发机。”[例] “~”。孙子说的用兵作战要造成一种可以压倒敌人的…


Be good at the person that resort to arms fights, the situation that create is arduous like pulling an old unit of length for measuring land, the rhythm of aggression is short like blast off. Point to fight should be good at creating momentum. Language piece grandchildren · situation : Pu of Guan of  of general straw Lu blinks  of ⒒ of Chen Shou of  of Xi of  of Quan of approach of J of otter of  wash to joke! Bao exemple]   ~ . The resort to arms that grandchildren says fights should cause a kind of OK and crushing enemy...

