
yì duān

意思解释:(Heretical)异常的吉兆。现多指自认为正统者对异己的思想、理论的称呼。 古代儒家称其他学说、学派为异端。 凡自居正统的人或组织对异己的观点、学说或教义亦称之为异端。




(1) Confucianist call other school, doctrine heretical. · of the analects of confucius is politics :  of  of Ang ズ vinegar buys σ miserable anthology! Does attack: Stalk Xing ah(2) all sorts of different view. Yan Duchuan of · of book of the later Han dynasty : Qian of join of ∈ of  of  of model of  of ヒ of  of  of arc of at present of  of Shu of  of ⒅ of city of Ang Shan Ling falling into oblivion! 3) points to not important one's words or opinion. · of dragon of article heart carve cut into parts : carbonyl arc wining with dregs

