rèn zhuàng
意思解释:(Know state)认领失物的文书。 旧时擂台比武者所写的承认打死不论的文书。 见“认保状”。
(1) understanding, differentiate. is Zhuo Mao of · of book of the later Han dynasty passed : of excuse me of raw meat or fish of of school of triangular bream of basketry back ⒊ shows disrespect or contempt rancor! of Song of Jiu of the times aspic that pat dysentery She Ji heavy Sha Tie not disappear, will grind the day before washing ~ oneself. (2) thinks, regard as. Liu Kezhuang answer is Lin Gong of Fu elder brother encountered : Regretful die young sex rancorring of summary grave becomes warped a huge legendary turtle of stew in shallow water! 3) admits. Cao) hold...
认组词、状组词、 忠善、金梁、迁形、抉眸、恒沙、便嬛、囚拘、犇亡、改任、撤差、孔规、苛惨、薄让、丹雘、春务、修箭、番沉、瞎编、认状、暴斧、