
xiā máng

意思解释:(Blind busy)在黑暗中忙碌。亦指胡乱地忙碌。 徒劳无功。




Busy in darkness. Also show careless ground is busy. Often abandon 4 worlds are the same as hall : Vomit of 8  Mi Zhang of saliva of  of constant  aunt mires  of Chi Wu ィ offers as a gift eventually 3 common of  of Zhang of Hu of  crotch  dead Xian Shu of Bi of thoroughfaring Li of サ of horsefly of Tang of hurry of tooth of  of parrot of  of Γ of aunt of You of Jue of Pan  instruct! Low apprentice Zhen sees of ducking an ancient wine vessel made of horn I always am a day blind busy! I am sorry, tired yesterday you ran twice in vain. ...

