
zhòng tiào

意思解释:(Numerous look into the distance from a high place)周代诸侯朝见周王礼制的一种。周制,周王十二年一巡守,如因故不巡守,则六服诸侯往朝。朝毕,周王为坛合众诸侯以命政,称为“众眺”。




O of à of Ti of look into the distance from a high place is used at look at overlook gaze from a high place into the distance etc. Yao look into the distance from a high place a variant form of a Chinese character. [Jian Fan concerns] look into the distance from a high place it is echoism word, form accord with is eye, acoustical accord with is million, original meaning is inspect frame-up. say department of article · eye :  of badge of bank of scar sole  is ill! Go straight towards  of forge of Pai comb  ! Handsome of bank of つ of Dui Jin  look into the distance from a high place, look at also.

