
wēi qíng

意思解释:(Small affection)隐藏而不显露的感情。《礼记·檀弓下》:“礼有微情者。”孔颖达疏引何胤云:“哭踊之情必发于内,谓之微。微者,不见也。”一说指抑制哀痛的感情。孔颖达疏:“微,杀也。言若贤者丧亲,必致灭性,故制使三日而食,哭踊有数,以杀其内情,使之俯就也。” 微妙的思想感情。 微末的心情。




below Tan Gong of · of The Book of Rites : To fold of Qin of ⑶ of coat Ti form! Stupid child shellfish spade small, kill also, yan Rexian person funeral is close, send surely destroy quality, reason is made make 3 days and feed, cry leap up know exactly about sth, in order to kill its inside information, made Fu also. press small affection, you Yan is abstemious feeling, here is to point to restrain one's grief. The thought feeling with delicate ② . Land machine Wen Fu : Make ⅰ of form of  of  of the clear when Kuo alarm smooth with a rake

